Justine Capuson

Justine Capuson, author of the mosaic of my becoming, views herself and her life as a reflection of the vibrant, complex, rough-edged fragments of survival- the fleeting moments of loving, breaking, and becoming- the breathtaking spaces in between.

Justine’s 2020 debut book, a three-part poetry collection, showcases her unique ability to capture the depth of human emotion through simplistic poetic structure, illustrations, and words. The collection, inspired by her own self-discovery journey, explores a variety of themes ranging from love, abandonment, loss, femininity, healing, and becoming.

Soon after completing her degree in English Studies, Justine began teaching creative writing and world literature. The author’s poetry, rooted in her lifelong fascination with storytelling, is intended to inspire those who find themselves in the thick of life’s uncertainty, slowly piecing together the ornate fragments of their own mosaic identity.


K. Zavorka


John K. Jennings